BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has reported that there is growing interest in Bitcoin as a way to hedge against a U.S. debt crisis.  In a report, BlackRock noted that Bitcoin has very low correlation to macro variables compared to other asset classes. This means that Bitcoin does not move in tandem with the stock market or other traditional investments. "Bitcoin does not behave like a risk-on or risk-off asset," the report said. BlackRock also highlighted Bitcoin's unique characteristics, including its capped supply, global accessibility, and ease of cross-border transferability. The report comes as concerns mount both domestically and abroad about the U.S. fiscal deficit and debt situation. The U.S. national debt is now over $30 trillion, and it is projected to continue to grow in the coming years. Some experts believe that the U.S. could default on its debt obligations if it does not take steps to address the issue. A U.S. default could have a catastrophic impact on the global economy.