A group of bloggers who hold Ethereum fool newcomers every day: How NB is Ethereum, how powerful is Ethereum!

I have only one standard here, coins that cannot make money are all garbage! Coins that lose money are fighters among garbage!

Here I will talk to you about how the bloggers who praise Ethereum define Ethereum in order to get newcomers to take over Ethereum

First of all, they regard Ethereum as the leader of the copycat. Without the copycat, Ethereum will be reduced to zero!

Commentary: I want to laugh when I see this. When will Ethereum represent the currency circle? Without Ethereum, so many POW coins will not be transferred? BCH, LTC, XRP, which one has not been the second cake? Ethereum has been in the position for a long time, and you think that Ethereum is the second place for a long time. What a joke

Secondly, the old leeks who have been in the currency circle for more than 8 years basically know that the position of the second place has been changing all the time. LTC, BCH, XRP have all been the second place, and now they are basically declining and falling to the top 20

Now the second place is Ethereum, but no one knows what rank it will fall to in the future. It is useless to go on ETF. Financial bigwigs only recognize Bitcoin, and the same is true for the currency circle! Don’t be misled by the unethical bloggers who have just entered the circle. They are all leeks themselves and have not deeply analyzed the history of the currency circle. The position of the second place has been changing all the time. There is only one valuable coin in the currency circle, that is Bitcoin!

Whether it is the project party or the 🐶 bank, the purpose of issuing coins is to exchange for more Bitcoin! Can you play with Shanzhai? Of course you can. Just remember to exchange it for Bitcoin when you make money!

The words are rough but the truth is true. Remember to like and follow, and slap the faces of bloggers who praise Ethereum!

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