Paulo Kogos libertário bitcoin

Paulo Kogos/Reproduction

For Paulo Kogos, candidate for city councilor in 2024 in the city of São Paulo, Drex is a demonic system that can end people's freedom.

According to him, doing away with cash is a demonic practice. However, he understands that a recent bill presented by Deputy Júlia Zanatta in the Chamber of Deputies has already opened the discussion to stop the end of physical money.

Kogos spoke during his participation in the RedCast podcast on YouTube, a channel that has around 140 thousand subscribers.

👺"Drex is demonic and Pix contributed to the problem", says Paulo Kogos

In a debate with Renato Trezoitão, Paulo Kogos declared that he does not like the idea of ​​Drex, a new payment system being created by the Central Bank of Brazil. This is because he believes that the BCB's innovation could eliminate the freedom of Brazilians.

“You saw that there is a project by Congresswoman Júlia Zanatta to prohibit the government from issuing this crap, literally crap, called Drex,” Kogos began in his explanation. “It is in the government’s interest to end our freedom, it is in the government’s interest to end our financial privacy, because Drex is the first step towards implementing a Chinese social program.”

  • 🚫🗽 Kogos stated that Drex could represent a huge step towards ending our financial freedom for Brazilians, in his opinion.

“If you are not an ally of the government, if you do not corroborate all the nonsense that the government preaches, they will prevent you from buying and selling as it says in the Bible: whoever does not have the mark of the beast will be prevented from buying and selling. So Drex is demonic, this business of ending physical cash is demonic.”

He said that unfortunately Pix contributed to the problem, as society has become comfortable accepting the loss of its financial freedom.

  • 🔫 Renato 38tão added that many people are slaves by nature, and will only be able to achieve their freedom when they begin to self-custody bitcoin.

“Those who are invested in Brazil must be sad about the news, but those who have bitcoin are more relaxed,” says Renato 38tão

Indicating that investors in stocks and direct treasury bonds in Brazil must feel sad when they watch the news on television, Renato 38tão declared that those who invest in bitcoin do not have the same feeling.

According to him, the country is becoming cheaper for those who have exposure to bitcoin, regardless of government actions. “The only real opposition is to buy bitcoin,” 38tão declared.

Both Kogos and Renato presented themselves in the debate as responsible for bringing the libertarian vision to the audience.