# $BTC CYBER SCAMThe bank official, identified as Rajesh Kumar, allegedly played a critical role in facilitating the fraud by providing sensitive banking information and manipulating accounts to help the criminals carry out their scheme effectively.

According to police reports, the elderly victim was approached via a phone call by someone posing as a government official. After establishing trust, the fraudsters claimed that the victim was eligible for a significant government grant. They instructed him to transfer a nominal fee into a designated bank account to initiate the grant process. Unbeknownst to the victim, this account was controlled by the cybercriminals with assistance from Kumar, who reportedly advised them on how to exploit the bank’s systems.

The fraud came to light when the victim attempted to contact the supposed government office and found no record of his application for the grant. Alarmed, he filed a complaint with the local authorities, leading to an investigation. The police later tracked the transaction trails back to Kumar and arrested him and now police action.$SOL