[Portraits of elites in the trading world] In the vast ocean of trading, those who are truly suitable for sailing and reaching the other side of profit often have extraordinary qualities. They are explorers who can keep the steering wheel steady in the emotional storm and turn the art of trading into a systematic science.

🌟**Persistent faith**🌟 is their most solid armor. In the face of countless setbacks, they still choose to stand up and illuminate the way forward with perseverance.

📊**Practitioners of systematic trading**📊 know that the transition from emotional to systematic is long but necessary. They build and follow their own trading rules, so that every decision is based on rationality rather than impulse.

🌊**The wisdom of following the trend**🌊 teaches them how to ride the waves in the market, and the art of stop loss allows them to learn to stop loss in time and protect the principal. Light position operation is the secret of their steady progress.

📚**Continuous learning and self-improvement**📚 make them understand that although technology is easy to obtain, deep understanding and flexible application are the key. Humility, honesty, open-mindedness and concentration, these character lights illuminate their dual path of cognitive and experience improvement.

🔍**Independent thinking and empty cup mentality**🔍 are their most valuable talents. In the complex and ever-changing market, they clear their prejudices, accept new knowledge with an open mind, abandon the shackles of empiricism, and make every transaction full of possibilities.

Trading is not only a game of money, but also a test of human nature and wisdom. Those who can eventually make stable profits in the market are all unremitting pursuers of self-perfection. They are the real elites in the trading world, writing their own trading legends with wisdom and sweat.

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