"Federal Reserve Interest Rate Decision"

Everyone is discussing whether to cut interest rates by 25 basis points or 50 basis points. Some financial apps are even beginning to say whether to cut interest rates by 75 basis points or 100 basis points. I don't understand. Do you think retail investors are not panicking enough? No matter how much the interest rate is cut, the US stock market will definitely fall. The US dollar interest rate cut will not reach the terrifying 75 basis points, which will first lead to self-destruction. The Americans will not be so stupid. Basically, it will be 25 basis points or maintain the original interest rate.

In fact, for the currency circle, the larger the basis point of the US dollar interest rate cut, the more BTC will fall, and the lower the price, the more conducive it is for investors to enter the market.

Many people do not understand why BTC will fall after the interest rate cut. They all think that the US dollar interest rate has been cut, and the interest rate of the money people deposit in the bank is low, so they will take it out for investment, and BTC will rise sharply, and there will be a bull market. This is a potential understanding, but it cannot be said to be wrong. It takes time to adjust.

First of all, if the US dollar interest rate is cut, the US stock market will definitely be affected and fall. Everyone is saying that people have invested all their money, and the US stock market will rise. 😁😁😁

Let me tell you one more thing. The interest rate cut of the US dollar implies that the economy is heading for a recession. In addition, the US economic data has been constantly falsified this year, and the US stock market has exploded. On the other hand, the US economy has already reached a recession. In the past, whenever there was an economic crisis in the United States, it was a war and a financial and economic war. At present, Russia, Ukraine and China have not won. If you can bear it, you have to keep the interest rate unchanged. Now you can't bear it, so you must slowly cut interest rates instead of cutting them sharply.

But all this can't stop the panic in the stock market. Selling will definitely occur. The currency market will also panic, and the decline of BTC is inevitable.

Because the interest rate data has not been released and the subsequent Powell press conference has not started, there are certain risks at this time and space. You don't know whether the capital will pull a wave of decline, or directly fall, or fall sharply and then fall. This is a common method used by big data capital, so don't be aggressive, wait.

Wait for a good time to go short

Spot wait and see, 60,000 points is already very high, don't rush to enter the market

If the US dollar cuts interest rates by 25 basis points, it has been so long that the information should be digested in advance, and the US stock market will fall, so it will not explode. Therefore, this time the interest rate is cut, BTC will fall, but it will not collapse to 40,000.

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