Australia’s approach to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has changed course. Rather than the development and testing of retail CBDCs in an effort to promote them to the public, the country has actively taken up the use of wholesale CBDCs.

This decision is in line with the purpose of implementing CBDCs to improve the existing financial system mainly in executing the high value, cross border and institutional financial services.

CBDC: From Retail to Wholesale

This shift changes the earlier discourse that considered the question of retail CBDCs for consumer use. It’s significant to mention that we are talking about the wholesale CBDCs, which are planning to be the product targeted mostly to the financial institutions while the retail CBDCs will be offered to the public as a new form of money similar to cash. Focusing on wholesale uses, Australia is to bring the necessary advances to the financial infrastructure and enhance the context of transactions between institutions.

This particular model of CBDC enables higher degrees of automation, transparency, and security for a relatively larger number of bulk transactions between several parties at once, making it all the more suitable for real-time settlements in buildings complex financial networks.

Wholesale CBDC: Potential Benefits for Financial Institutions

Oversights of CBDCs can enable faster payment and decrease risks of settlement while enhancing the process of clearing. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has named this as one of the critical issues that need to be enhanced in the country’s monetary structure. This is because by creating a full-fledged CBDC, Australia would potentially eliminate many operational costs and increase the speed and efficiency of cross- border transactions which currently is still inefficiency and slow under the current processes.

Further, the country plans to advance the financial market to rely on CBDCs in wholesale segments as it would help institutional investors and central banks provide faster and more secure settlements.

Comparison with Retail CBDC Approach

The use of retail CBDCs would benefit consumers to directly hold digital money issued by the central bank but it also brings privacy, preparedness of the existing infrastructures, and disruption of the existing banking structures into contemplation. A retail CBDC could also alter the course of monetary policy and commercial banks for example, since citizens could decide to hold funds in the CB directly.

In this regard, while wholesale CBDCs entail the above-discussed pros, they also mitigate the above-discussed risks since they do not engage directly with the public. This makes them more appropriate for the Australian market where the establishment of banking facilities is well advanced and customers’ exposure to banking services is already high.

Enhancing the Role of Australia in the Emergent CBDC Environment

Focusing on the development of a wholesale CBDC, Australia is set for its institutional digital currency leadership. Other countries such as China, the US and the EU also are considering the wholesale CBDCs to adopt the new financial structure. However, Australia’s emphasis on the wholesale use case is in line with the country’s objective to develop its financial markets that do not necessarily involve the consumer-oriented digital currencies.

Taking into account the conservative but progressive position, Australia will occupy a strategic position in the formation of the outlook for the transition of the global financial environment for digital currencies. Transition from retail to wholesale CBDCs is viewed as the next stage of the development of digital financial assets that can open promising prospects in the enhancement of the stability and speed of settlements in fast-value transactions.