At present, the trend of Bitcoin is still continuing the trend of US stocks. Now the US stock market opened low before the market, and it is expected that there will be another wave of overlap at 9:30. If the US stock market opens high and then goes low, and there is a sharp drop around 10 o'clock, Bitcoin can be placed near 59,200, and wait for the interest rate cut meeting at 2 o'clock, break through 62,000 directly, and then find a suitable position to do it. If it is confirmed to be 2 basis points at 2 o'clock tonight, it is expected that Bitcoin will have a certain difficulty in breaking through 62,000. If it is 50 basis points, Bitcoin has a chance to break through 62,000 and touch around 65,000. Whether it is 25 basis points or 50 basis points, we can only wait for the answer to be revealed at 2 o'clock tonight. #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #token2049