Did you know Bhutan is mining Bitcoin like a pro? Here are some fun facts about this tiny kingdom:

- Bhutan prioritizes Gross Domestic Happiness over GDP (which is ~$3.11B).

- With a population of 780k (less than San Francisco), it's one of the happiest countries on Earth.

- And guess what? It holds the 5th highest $BTC reserves of any country in the world—yes, even more than El Salvador!

Here’s the wild part: Bhutan has been quietly mining Bitcoin using its hydropower resources to amass $780M in BTC, now equal to 25% of its GDP!

To break it down, Bhutan’s Bitcoin stash is worth $1,000 per citizen. đŸ€Ż

But wait—let’s reframe this. Instead of exporting energy via traditional infrastructure, Bhutan is selling its energy digitally by mining Bitcoin on-site. They’ve built a crypto nest egg that could match, or even surpass their GDP if Bitcoin hits $250K!

The takeaway? Bhutan has redefined what it means to export energy in the digital age. 💡