How is a #wallet of type #MPC (Multi-Party Computation), better in terms of security?

1. Decentralized architecture

Secret sharing: The secret (for example, a private key) is divided into several parts, each held by different entities. No entity has the complete key, which limits the risks of theft.

2. Cryptographic protocols

- Threshold cryptography: Use of cryptographic schemes to reconstruct the secret only when enough parties (for example, 3 out of 5) collaborate. This ensures that even if some parties are compromised, the secret remains secure.

- Zero-knowledge proofs: These techniques make it possible to prove that a computation was performed correctly without revealing sensitive information.

3. #Authentification strong

- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods: Require multiple forms of identification (such as a password and a code sent via SMS) to access the wallet.

4. Data protection

- Data encryption: Sensitive data should be encrypted both at rest and in transit. This prevents unauthorized access to critical information.

- Secure storage: Use secure and attack-resilient storage systems, such as #HSM (Hardware Security Modules).

5. Audit and monitoring

- Regular audits: Conduct frequent security audits to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities.

- Activity monitoring: Implement monitoring systems to detect abnormal behavior or unauthorized access attempts.

6. #Éducation users

- Security awareness: Train users on good security practices, such as recognizing phishing attempts and the importance of never sharing their login information.