Gamblers know no age.

It’s not that people start speculating in cryptocurrencies in middle age, but that gamblers who are desperate have all come to the cryptocurrency circle.



Forced into the cryptocurrency world, dreaming of getting rich overnight.

In real life, opportunities are in the hands of certain people, not ordinary people like us. In addition:

1. No hope of promotion and possible layoff at any time

2. Car loans, mortgages, child loans, wife loans, favor loans, and other types of loans are overwhelming you.

There is no hope for promotion or salary increase, and I don’t dare to start a business

What to do?

I came to Zhihu. I heard there are many great people here. Let's see if I can find any ideas.

Later, I saw various people advocating making money in the cryptocurrency circle. I didn’t believe it at first, but after seeing various cases, screenshots, and strategies, I became happy and excited.

Under the pressure of life and the temptation of various fraudsters' fake pictures, I started my journey to death in the cryptocurrency circle...

Just like those born in the 1970s who speculate in Clivia, those born in the 1980s who speculate in stamps and coins, and those born in the 2000s who speculate in shoes, 99% of the people come in to take over, and most of them have a little money and want to retire through the cryptocurrency circle.

Of course, the ending is always the same, taking over.

Don't worry, in the dealer's script, your character is set to take over. Their script is more reliable than DNA. Once you take over, you will take over for life.

It's impossible to get a bargain.

Whether it is a contract or spot, there is only one dead end.

Contract = Pig Killing Scheme

Speculating in cryptocurrencies = playing in casinos

The former is doomed to die, while the latter will be killed with a slow knife.

Some people say that I can play in the primary market. Brother, this is not a market, it’s simply a slaughterhouse.

Seeing this, more than 90% of people will start to think, this guy doesn’t know anything, he must be a newbie…

Don't jump to conclusions, just keep watching.

What does "pig-killing scam" mean? It's a scam.

So why is the contract a fraud?

1. Traffic diversion. Why do so many people on the Internet brag about their contract profits of tens of millions, and post screenshots? Answer: In essence, they are all stackers who want to trick you into playing contracts through fake pictures. They charge an agency fee, and they can probably get more than 40%.

2. Conversion. Since the price of coins fluctuates, the exchange is completely controllable. So whether you have a 10x leverage or a 2x leverage, as long as the exchange wants, it can blow up your account and return it to zero in a matter of minutes.

3. Others. The so-called high-quality coins and awesome coins are essentially empty shells. They have nothing but hype, let alone value anchoring. Isn't betting on the rise and fall of empty shells a way to self-destruction?

The project is fake, the market is fake, and the one who invites you to play with coins is also fake. Excuse me, if this is not a pig-killing scheme in northern Myanmar, what is this?

There are two outcomes when playing with contracts: dying early or dying late.

Sooner or later you'll die anyway.

As for what you said, why can some people make stable profits through contracts?

Hahaha, so funny.

They are all fake pictures.

How much money do you want? We will give you P as much money as you want.

I see a lot of people on the Internet pretending to analyze the fundamentals, technical aspects, and macro aspects for you.

I will draw you a few candlestick charts, and give you some TVL and other messy data.

To put it bluntly, they are trying to trick you into taking the bait through these seemingly lofty and professional concepts.

It's just like the success theory of the past, with all kinds of scammers taking photos with presidents of various countries, with a cost of 400 yuan per photo. What can it prove?

If you are in the cryptocurrency circle and don’t even have this understanding, I strongly suggest that you don’t enter the circle, let alone play with contracts.

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