According to BlockBeats, on September 18, according to official news, the parallel EVM L1 blockchain Artela announced that the second phase of the incentive test network Enlightment ended today, with more than 1.93 million on-chain addresses participating, more than 20 million on-chain transactions, and 120,000 weekly active community members participating in community contributions. The final stage of the incentive test network Renaissance III before the main network will be launched today, and the Art Home homepage will be launched, unlocking new gameplay such as incentive mining, staking, and NFT games.

Previously, Artela launched the Artela Renaissance test network on May 20, where users can get bonus points by participating in EVM++ ecological project interactive tasks, experiencing AI Q&A, and participating in mini-game activities. Currently, Artela is participating in the design of incentive tasks with 16 ecological projects including ArtexSwap, ArteFarm, GoPlus, Cellula, and ArteFarm, with a total of more than 1.45 million users participating in the ecological project experience.