Many comments have become popular, saying that the cryptocurrency world is over. I have been reading all kinds of posts these days. I am so happy that I laughed!

I just want to say that with solid technical strength, strict self-discipline, and self-discipline, you can make money when the market is high, and you can still make money when the market is low. You can still make money when the market is bullish or bearish. In this circle, those who only look for objective reasons, not their own reasons, do not work hard, do not practice, and only dream, will always be the one who kneels down to sing "Conquer".

Recently, I have this little experience, and I will write it down as a record! Last week and the week before, I have been hedging my spot orders, shorting the big cake to recover blood, and I have gained effective strategic gains, and I have made a lot of money for more than half a month. The short-term profit of the contract is very close to the value of all my spot assets. The short-term funds have been turned over 7 times, which is very cool! I am so happy!

Last week $BTC

The pin 52510 reversed. On the third day of holding the order, I blew up the new short order I held. That new order was still 100 times. For me, this is a process of learning again, and I will never forget it!

First, I violated the taboo of holding orders. Second, I set a high-multiple order without strict and conservative position management. If you want to eat a fat man, you will die. Third, I did not set a stop loss, or I did not decisively stop the loss when I reached the stop loss point in my mind, but I was lucky. Fourth, I stayed up for two nights and one day in a row, and locked myself in the study for two days. I was exhausted! The big taboo is not clear-headed! I also made it! Once you make a mistake, you make mistakes again and again! Four mistakes lead to loss!

I missed this wealth because I made too many mistakes! Really wrong! I was so happy with short selling before that I was confused. I didn’t set a stop loss, kept holding orders, stayed up late, and fought tiredly!

I was lucky enough to think that the price would go down again, but I got fooled, and it was what I deserved!

After the funds I earned from short selling were blown up, I had to bear the pain and manually lost money. In the end, I only had 18% of the contract funds left, which was a short-term loss of about 82%.

In short, you have to stand up when you get beaten, so I have been resting this week, I am watching, I still hold the spot, but the contract orders have completely stopped. I need to completely clear my brain circuits, face the market again, and respect it!These ten days have been tough, and now it’s time to start over!