9.18 Market Analysis

Technical aspect:

At present, the trend of the entire market at the weekly level is still there, and the indicators have been almost repaired. At present, from the perspective of the entire daily level, it has reached the end of a narrow range of fluctuations and is about to choose the corresponding direction. The interest rate decision will be made tonight at 2 a.m. on the 19th. This time the interest rate decision determines whether it will be reduced by 25 basis points or 50 basis points. If it is reduced by 50 basis points, it is nothing more than a short-term positive. In that case, it has already risen and fallen during the day. The focus of the day will be maintained at 58,500 to 61,300 for a fluctuation. Similarly, if the bulls want to strengthen, they cannot fall below 58,500.

Ethereum is for the whole It is relatively weak in terms of the market, but it is currently at a short-term bottom. It is indeed difficult to pull it up very high in the short term. It takes a period of time to bottom out and absorb funds. It has been mentioned in the past two days that the Ethereum Foundation is shipping. In fact, from the perspective of the entire foundation's expenditure, most of the funds are still used in the education sector and infrastructure sector, which means that the Ethereum ecosystem is still constantly improving, so it is still optimistic in the long run. The range of fluctuations we focus on during the day is 2293 and 2420, so the short-term rise or fall of the market depends on the overall market, so it depends on the cycle. Give him some time to build positions in batches.


Circle CEO: USDC Sui Testnet was launched yesterday

BTC and ETH options with a nominal value of approximately $1.436 billion will expire on Friday

- September 18, Token2049 opens

- September 19, the Federal Reserve announces a summary of interest rate decisions and economic expectations

-9.20 sol conference

- September 29, CZ is expected to be released from prison

#加密市场反弹 $BTC