9.17 Tuesday Big Cake Auntie’s Stone Pan Day Summary and Silk Road Suggestions in the Early Morning

Hello everyone, it’s early in the morning, the holiday has passed overnight, and some stocks are happy and some are sad. According to normal logic, the market should be declining. There is a wave of temptation, and then the market turns straight up. The rhythm of the purge is self-evident, catching many Kunjun off guard. The price once again returned to break through the 60,000 mark and once it reached the 61,300 line, it also pulled up near the 2,400 line. Duodan seemed to be indeed strong, but the current position cannot be exceeded If the volume is increased too much, the market will start to fluctuate and adjust, and there is a high probability that it will fall back.

Judging from the 4-hour technical indicators, the Bollinger Bands have been running smoothly, and there is no sign of opening. The continuation of the short-term bullish trend is not very strong, and there is a sense of fatigue with a weak trend. A shock operation is formed within the cycle, and the slowdown can be released. The pressure is in a price comparison and correction state. Those who have not entered the market can wait and see first. Those who have entered the market can continue to hold it. They will wait until the daily average situation comes out of the situation before deciding whether to change the direction to enter or exit the market. Silk Road in the early morning is based on the high price. Just the Lord.

9.18 Wednesday Early Morning Silk Road


Duosi Road: Duo near the 60200-60800 area

Target: 61200-61500

Kongtan Silk Road: The area 61300-61000 is now covered with drums

Target: 60000-59500


Duosi Road: Duo near the 2320-2350 area

Target: 2400-2430

Kongtan Silk Road: Area 2390-2360 is now covered with a drum

Target: 2300-2260

(Recommendations are for reference only. The actual operation shall be based on the real-time market trend and personal risk tolerance to flexibly adjust the strategy.)

It doesn't close at midnight, Shaoqin is always there. Friends who need help with tricky orders or want to go back to Xue'an can doudu! #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #加密市场反弹 #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 $BTC $ETH