Is Brother Lie's strategy like timely rain? He arranged the strategy around 9 o'clock tonight and then a big positive line appeared! So don't doubt Brother Lie's strength. First of all, Brother Lie has almost never made mistakes in the general direction, especially in the large-scale direction. No rebuttal is accepted! You can see that Brother Lie's previous articles are all based on evidence! Take the recent wave of BTC's second bottoming out. Brother Lie is probably the first blogger who dares to boldly shout that BTC will complete the second bottoming out at 52,000+ in the square! Then from BTC's 30-minute fifth wave breaking through 55,000 to now, if you are Brother Lie's iron fan, at least your general direction will not be wrong. Follow Brother Lie's operation idea of ​​always buying more at a low level. It will be difficult for you not to make money!