In the past 8 years, I have never seen an asset appreciate faster than Bitcoin.

Everyone talks about how the real estate prices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have increased many times, and often envies those who "got on board" early on. I also have some real estate, but compared with the appreciation rate of the Bitcoin I have, it's nothing.

Some people say that if I could travel back in time, I would definitely buy a house in xx, buy stocks in xx, and buy Bitcoin in xx. That’s wrong. If you carry the memory of the times, you shouldn’t consider anything else if you have the option of Bitcoin.

Perhaps you might be talking about some CX projects or air coins. Indeed, they may really appreciate very quickly in an instant.

But first of all, the window period is short, and the appreciation will be followed by a rapid collapse. If something cannot be held for a long time, 99% of people will not buy or sell it at that exact point.

Secondly, when these air coins are at a high multiple, since the market transaction volume is small, the profits are only book wealth. If you sell a part of them, the price will plummet, and you will not be able to sell the remaining part.

But Bitcoin is not like that. Its rise over more than 10 years has given ordinary people enough time to enter the market. No matter when they enter, as long as they do not make any operations, they will still be making money today.

Its size is also large enough, and there are often people on the Internet who have never bought Bitcoin saying that they cannot sell it once they buy it.

People who are still doubting whether Bitcoin is CX and thinking about People's Daily are very low.

Grayscale once held hundreds of thousands of bitcoins and was not afraid of not being able to sell them. It is really inappropriate for you who cannot afford half a coin to be thinking and saying that you cannot sell them.

Someone said, it’s my fault that I knew about it too late. I said that’s not true. You must have heard about Bitcoin a long time ago.

Assuming that you are an ordinary person and you have known about BTC for a long time, you will probably have the following psychological activities:

When it’s $1, you think it’s a scam, and when it’s $100, you feel a little jealous, but you don’t dare to enter the market.

I feel like $1,000 is the limit, so I don’t dare to buy it.

When the money reaches $10,000, you regret that you should have bought a few for one dollar.

Now it’s $60,000, and you don’t have that much money to enter this market.

The result is obvious. It is not a question of whether you know the time early or late, but a question of vision and pattern. Maybe this sounds a bit like success theory, but this is the reality.

Let's assume that you bought a few coins for fun when they were only one dollar. You might sell them when they rose to dozens of dollars, and you would be proud of yourself for making a few hundred dollars.

That's cognition.

Only those who have a deep understanding of Bitcoin can hold on to it. This is why we still need to keep learning even though we know that we can make money by holding on to it for a long time.

Because only if you continue to brainwash yourself, continue to affirm your persistence, and continue to gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of Bitcoin.

Only by walking with the same kind of people over and over again can you completely believe that this kind of belief and cognition does not come from blindly identifying with something or a strategy. It is irrational and short-lived. Only the belief and identification based on accumulated knowledge can last.

Bitcoin may not rise forever, and even if the experiment fails one day in the future, it will be over, but it does not prevent it from being the best investment product in the past 10 years, and it has the most friendly investment threshold for ordinary people, no doubt about it.

You have to buy at least a whole house, but you don’t even need to buy a whole Bitcoin. Everyone should have a little, even if it’s just 0.01. Your future self will definitely thank your present self.


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