To explain how to play this competition:

1. Start the countdown:

When you press the button, the countdown starts from 60:00 seconds.

Once another user presses the button, the counter is reset back to 60:00 seconds.

The goal is to press the button and reach 00:00 without any other user pressing it.

2. Try:

Each time you press the button, you consume one attempt.

The button will be unpressable if you have used up all your attempts or is in the countdown phase.

3. Win the Grand Prize:

To win the prize, you have to press the button and get the counter to 00:00 without any intervention from another user.

4. Get more attempts:

You can get extra attempts by doing some daily tasks:

Referral: Inviting a friend gives you an extra attempt (3 attempts per day, with a 24 hour cooling period).

Log in daily: Gives you an extra attempt (with a 24 hour waiting period).

Share on Social Media: Gives you an extra try (with a 24 hour waiting period).

Deposit: Depositing at least $100 gives you 2 extra attempts (with a 24 hour waiting period).

Spot Trading: Trading a total of $300 gives you 2 additional attempts (with a 12-hour waiting period).

Futures Trading: Trading a total of $500 gives you 2 additional attempts (with a 12 hour waiting period).

Trading with Transfer: Trading with a total amount of $200 gives you 2 additional attempts (with a 12-hour waiting period).

5. Classification:

The rankings will be updated every 10 minutes, and the closer you are to 00:00, the higher your ranking will be.

In short, the goal is to press the button and reach 00:00 seconds without interference from others, while using your attempts wisely and completing tasks to get more attempts.

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