Recommend several projects in the why ecosystem and projects that empower why.

1. Mcoin, the first meme launched on four.meme using why, a dual pool of Bnb+why, has increased 100 times since its launch, and has been listed on Binance web3 board, with the support and attention of four.meme. It has the potential to be the double dragon of why ecosystem and four.meme.

2. Whypad, memelaunchpad platform, is currently completing the task whitelist, with 130,000 participants. Tomorrow, the sunshine will be opened. Why pledges to obtain shares. The launchpad of the project's first gate, hundreds of kols are exposed. In the future, why can participate in every project, pledge + gold shovel

3. Four.meme, incubated by the bnx team, Binance web3 wallet has specially opened a four.meme section, and has official in-depth support, with a strong background, why-cake-bnx-bnb as the launch coin, Why passive lock.

4. The largest team in the original metaverse, the team with millions of traffic in tg at the time, started a tg mini-game, in bsc, the logo style is a famous English cultural origin, you need to complete why tasks + pledge why to obtain acceleration props + why to participate in the game.

2-4 is still in the stage, all started to open to the public in the past few days, really started to empower why, and the products have been developed.

At present, why has dozens of small ecological projects, and the Lp pool is all why.

BSC's memecoin trend, inevitably, why is the only one that can compete with sol base eth's wif pepe,

why has not experienced a big market, and is currently laying out the ecology. Looking forward to the future market value of why of 10 billion.