[Polkadot Decoded Asia Roundtable Discussion: Web3's Infrastructure is Continuously Improving] Golden Finance reported live that at the Polkadot Decoded Asia held in Singapore, Foundry's Emerick Mary served as the roundtable moderator, guiding several guests to share their views. James Liu of Alibaba Cloud believes that the large-scale use of Web3 must go through Web2, so Web2.5 is also an important stage. The latest areas of Web3 that are of concern are node services, high-frequency transaction processing, and Depin. Dr. Chen Feng of Autonomys Network said that the future of AI requires not only higher efficiency, but also data security and data processing security, and substrate plays an important role in this. Ghan Vashishtha of Zeeve said that for a long time, the threshold for participation in Polkadot has been very high, but now with the continuous improvement of infrastructure, more and more parachains can be more easily built on the Polkadot ecosystem. Michael Bennallack of Mandala said that based on the demand for blockchain by centralized institutions and the characteristics of Web3 itself, it is necessary to balance "entry permission" and "information transparency" to find a better solution.