In the bull market of 2017 and 2020, as long as you have faith and hold on to the coins, you can make a fortune! In 2017, there were more than a hundred hundred-fold coins, and more than a dozen thousand-fold coins. In this round, except for a few such as Dabing, all the cottages with faith were taken advantage of by institutions... The market is changing, and our strategy must also be adjusted! We can no longer use the previous inertial thinking, buying a cottage and lying down to sleep can make money with closed eyes. . . . . . .

In this round of bull market, we must first reduce our desires and not be too idealistic! Except for Dabing, other cottages cannot have too strong faith. 95% of the institutions pull the market themselves to make money. There are too few teams in the currency circle project that really do things to protect the market... We still have to be prepared for both situations. How to deal with the best and worst situations? Think ahead of time about how to reduce the risk of capital being trapped?