#技术更新 Long and short chart usage. Updated the display and usage of the long and short dividing line.

Take BTC as an example, and look at the text to compare the chart.

For 1W

The long and short dividing line is green, which is the support position. The weekly cycle is large, and the price of 45091 is a relatively large support

In the trend direction, 1W longs are weakened, indicating that the longs are currently blocked in this cycle

From the perspective of 1D,

The long and short dividing line is red, which is the pressure of 60757. It can be seen that the market is approaching this value in the past few days.

In the trend direction, 1D is short weakened, indicating that the decline of this cycle is slowing down

The same is true for other cycles, and trading plans can be made based on multiple cycles.

If it is intraday, you can look at the 15m-1h-4h time frame for analysis. For example, the current market 4h longs are weakened, and the 4H long and short dividing line is green, indicating that the longs are not weak in space. 1H shorts weakened, 1H long-short dividing line is red, indicating that the short pressure is still quite large

If you make a trading plan, you can consider a long order at this time. 15 minutes in the direction of longs strengthened, long-short dividing line shows green. #3Friends #BTC走势预测 #交易理论

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