Hello friends, that's right, Argentina is launching the Bitcoin Project in Universities, a training program that will bring decentralized technologies to university students and teachers.

Argentina, we continue to spread the potential of decentralized technologies and mainly of Bitcoin. Doing so in academic and prestigious settings such as universities in Argentina is an objective that we want to continue expanding.

This Bitcoin in Universities project, a training program that will bring decentralized technologies to students and teachers of university courses throughout Argentina with the aim of spreading the potential of the world of $BTC

"At the NGO Bitcoin Argentina we continue to spread the word about the potential of decentralized technologies and mainly about Bitcoin. Doing so in academic and prestigious settings such as universities in Argentina is an objective that we want to continue to expand," he notes.

He added: "The knowledge that can be acquired is interdisciplinary and broadens our future careers. Together with CoinEx Charity, we seek to promote these initiatives."

At each university that wishes to join the program, two 120-minute training sessions will be held, led by specialists in the field, with the possibility for students to advance in personalized mentoring.

In several countries, CoinEx Charity launched initiatives focused on providing access to technological education, with programs that positively impacted low-income communities.

In Africa, CoinEx Charity has worked on projects that provide schools with technological resources so that students can train in areas related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Similarly, in Asia, CoinEx supported training programs for young people interested in developing their skills in this emerging field.

CoinEx’s approach to these projects was based on the belief that education is key to driving the adoption and development of decentralized solutions capable of improving people’s quality of life.

Through these initiatives, CoinEx fosters cryptocurrency education and contributes to the development of innovative projects with a tangible impact on local communities.

For this reason, the alliance with the NGO Bitcoin Argentina represents a significant step towards the goal of bringing blockchain education to all corners of the world.

What will the training sessions be like?

The first day will consist of the "Fundamentals and Market of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies", where introductory content will begin, and the second day will focus on the "Practical use of crypto wallets and exchanges."

Students interested in advancing in mentoring must choose the area of ​​the project to be developed, for example: monetary, social, environmental, cultural, art, music, etc.

Friends, other countries are also training in digital assets. I recently saw a course given by the Ministry of Technology and Communication of Colombia (MINTIC) based on Trading (Digital Commerce). In short, friends, more and more commerce and finance are adopting the use of cryptocurrencies.

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