🚀 Crypto News: Risc Zero is launching a 'Boundless' service using ZK proofs to increase blockchain security for off-chain applications! 🎉

- Boundless solves the problem of blockchain scalability, increasing transaction speed and cross-chain interaction.

- ZK proofs help verify the correctness of computations without re-execution.

- Boundless can open up new applications from crypto exchanges, AI to personal identification.

📊 Ethereum has averaged just under 14 TPS over the past 30 days. Boundless promises a big improvement!

- Movement Labs will launch a 'postconfirmations' mechanism by the end of 2024, reducing confirmation times to under 1 second.

- Celestia announces technical roadmap to expand block size to 1GB.

💬 What do you think about the potential of Boundless? Comment and share your opinion!
