This article is translated from the PPT presented by Gavin Wood during his speech at Polkadot Decoded Asia in Singapore on September 16, 2024.

Lemma 1:All stable social systems need forms of governance 

Lemma 1: All stable social systems require some form of governance.

Lemma 2: Democratic mechanisms are essential apparatus of governance 

Lemma 2: Democratic mechanisms are fundamental tools of governance.

Lemma 2b: Democratic mechanisms are essential apparatus of governance within the Free World

Lemma 2.1: Democratic institutions are the fundamental tools of governance in the free world.

Lemma 3: Humanity is fast transitioning to the digital realm

Lemma 3: Humanity is rapidly transitioning to the digital realm.

Lemma4: Web3 is the norms and principles of the Free World applied to the digital realm

Lemma 4: Web3 is the application of the norms and principles of the free world to the digital realm.

Lemma 5: Without strong individuality, democratic mechanisms are impossible

Lemma 5: Without strong personalities, democratic mechanisms are impossible.

Consider: If l am having a conversation with someone, and I cannot tell whether it is a human or an Al-that's the end of democracy. CPakndn Yuval Noah Hariri(The Economist, 28/04/23)

Think: If I’m talking to someone and I can’t tell if they’re human or AI — that’s the end of democracy. —Yuval Noah Harari (The Economist, April 28, 2023)

Lemma 6: Blockchain systems are social systems

Lemma 6: Blockchain systems are social systems.

Lemma 6b: Blockchain systems capable of evolution are social systems

Lemma 6.1: Blockchain systems that are capable of evolution are social systems.

Conclusion: Blockchains need Strong Individuality to survive. The Free World needs Web3 and Strong Individuality to survive.

Individuality cuts close to the bone It might send a shudder down your spine

Conclusion: Blockchain needs strong personalities to survive. The free world needs Web3 and strong personalities to survive.

Individuality vs Identity

Identity aids in linking my interactions; it compromises my digital self. Pervasive strong identity is the despot's dream. 

Individuality only demonstrates my uniqueness; it allows me to strongly exercise my rights without fear. It is the despot's nightmare. 

Beware Identity solutions posing as Individuality products.

Difference between Personality and Identity:

Identity: helps connect me to my interactions, but at the expense of my digital self. A universal and powerful identity is a tyrant’s dream.

Individuality: Only showing my uniqueness allows me to exercise my rights strongly and fearlessly. It is the nightmare of tyrants.

Note: Be wary of identity solutions that present themselves as individual products.

Examples of Individuality- Identity leakage.


Crypto purchases 

Basically all voting 

Foreign-exchange services 

Any time you're asked for a credit card online

Examples of personality: identity breaches, proof of age, cryptocurrency purchases, basic voting, foreign exchange services, etc.

The Nature of Digital Individuality Individuality is a social, not logical, construct Ergo, not "provable" with math Therefore it must be discovered and consensus over its validity found No Silver Bullet

The Nature of Digital Individualism: Individualism is a social, not a logical, construct, and therefore cannot be "proven" mathematically, its validity must be determined through discovery and consensus. There is no silver bullet.

The Nature of Digital Individuality ·Enlightened discovery implies evidence collection, evaluation & judgement Web3 principles imply no reliance on trust: Evidence must be primary source Evidence must be open for all to evaluate.Principle of universality implies a single judgement

The essence of digital individualism: Enlightenment discovery means gathering evidence, evaluation, and judgment. Web3 principles mean not relying on trust: evidence must be original and must be open to everyone for evaluation. The principle of universality means a single judgment.

The Nature of Digital Individuality We must find consensus on: kinds of evidence; evaluation criteria; 。 how to arrive at a judgement.

The nature of digital individualism: We must agree on the types of evidence, the criteria for evaluation, and how to make judgments.

The Nature of Digital Individuality A Digital Individuality Mechanism is really just a definition for this collection, evaluation &judgement.

The nature of digital individualism: The mechanisms of digital individualism are really just definitions of this collection, evaluation, and judgment.

Designed for Privacy.Privacy when proving individuality Unique unlinkable alias for every context in which individuality is used Unlinkable to financial events

Privacy by Design: Protect privacy when proving personal identity, with unique, unlinkable aliases in every context used for personal identity that cannot be linked to financial events.

Designed to Scale.Initial design scales to over a million Design improvements to deliver billions

Designed with scalability in mind: initial design scales to over a million, with design improvements delivering billions.

Designed to Work Against the Odds .No reliance on governments. No reliance on Web2 platforms. No reliance on special hardware..No central key-keeper. No common confessional. No trust.

Designed to be hard-nosed: no reliance on governments, no reliance on Web2 platforms, no reliance on specialized hardware, no central key custodian, no shared confessional, no trust.

Technology Bulletin Chain:1TB of secure web-accessible decentralized data-storage for Polkadot system. Small Statements Hub: Decentralized private off-chain web-accessible pub/sub database for small messages sent between accounts.

Technology Relay PubSub:Fast and easy publication and subscription of small data between parachains..TransactionExtension: Low-level support for strongly private transactions, signed only with a zk-proof.


RingVRF: zk-SNARK-based cryptographic privacyprimitive allowing strong privacy within a groupVouchers Pallet: Privacy layer for system(treasury) payments to ensure unlinkabilitybetween reason and destination of payment


  • Bulletin Chain: 1TB of secure, accessible decentralized data storage for the Polkadot system.

  • Small Statements Hub: A decentralized, private, off-chain, accessible publish/subscribe database for sending small messages between accounts. Relay PubSub: Quickly and easily publish and subscribe small data between parachains.

  • TransactionExtension: Provides low-level support for highly private transactions, signed only using zk-proofs.

  • RingVRF: zk-SNARK-based cryptographic privacy primitives that allow strong privacy within a group.

  • Vouchers Pallet: A privacy layer for system (treasury) payments to ensure the reason and destination of a payment are unlinkable.


Easy private Polkadot-ecosystem-wide Sybil-resistence

let alias = ensure_person(origin, b"My context")?;Kusama has same APl.

EVM parachains and Ethereum ecosystem whichsupport appropriate crypto will also have an EVM API.


Easy implementation of private, Sybil-resistant Polkadot ecosystem-wide aliases

  • let alias = ensure_person(origin, b"My context")?;

  • Kusama has the same API.

  • EVM parachains and the Ethereum ecosystem that support appropriate cryptography will also have an EVM API.

For keys, a new zk-SNARK-based cryptographicprimitive, the RingVRF is used.

Based on Bandersnatch cryptography used in JAM &Sassafras, wallets and chains can integrate easily inorder to let individuals prove unlinkable individualityWorking on compatibility with major EVM chains.

  • For the keys, a new zk-SNARK-based cryptographic primitive, RingVRF, is used.

  • Based on the Bandersnatch cryptography used in JAM and Sassafras, wallets and chains can be easily integrated to allow individuals to prove unlinkable personal identities.

  • Compatibility with major EVM chains is being investigated.


The first of three Digital Individuality Mechanismsdeveloped by Parity.This is the most invasive, but also requires the leastmaintenance and can be done remotely.


  • The first of three digital personal identity mechanisms developed by Parity.

  • This is the most invasive, but also requires the least maintenance and can be done remotely.


eA tattoo at a universal place on the body......of a unique design assigned on-chain usingtrustless entropy......evidence is final 3 minute video of tattooing....iudgement by common vote over citizenry.

DIM1: Tattoo proof

  • A unique tattoo design is tattooed at a universal location on the body, which is distributed on-chain using trustless entropy… the evidence is a 3-minute video of the tattooing process… and the judgment is made by the collective vote of the citizens.

Proof-of-Ink: Design FamiliesChoose from a selection within each of severalalgorithmic design families. if you don't like any, you

get a new selection every day

The design range is extensible through governance

Tattoo Proof: Design Family

  • Select from selections within each of multiple families of algorithm designs.

  • If you don't like any of them, you'll get a new choice every day.

  • The scope of design can be extended through governance.

Entropretty application available now for anyone toplay with!Code a cool design and submit a PR to GH repo

The Entropretty app is now available for anyone to play!

Write a cool design and submit a PR to the GH repository.

Strong Individuality Unlocks..

Mob Rule activity rewards

ePan-ecosystem username

Free decentralized storage


Event registration

Forums & channels

Specialized NFTS

Special financial products

Free transactions



Enhanced governance:

Quadratic Voting?

Democratic Fund?

Strong individualism unlocked

  • Mass Rules Activity Rewards

  • ePan Ecosystem Username

  • Free decentralized storage

  • Event Registration

  • Forums and Channels

  • Specialized NFTs

  • Special financial products

  • airdrop

  • Free Trading

  • Lottery

  • remuneration

  • Quadratic Voting

  • Democratic Fund

Strong Individuality Unlocks...


Strong individualism unlocked

Artificial Intelligence Resists Democracy