Flappy Bird, the popular mobile game from 2013, is back in the news again. This time it arose due to its association with a crypto scam that has been surprising gamers and investors at large.

A once fun, highly addictive mobile game is now in the middle of a cryptocurrency fraud scandal. 

Flappy Bird: A New Player in the Crypto World? 

Flappy Bird – the mobile app from 2013 got popular again suddenly. But this time was not because of the gameplay to the game, or some sort of revival. Rather, the game was associated with an overly complex crypto fraud. 

Scammers attempted to make a getwhere through the name “Flappy Bird” for a new crypto currency. This way, relying on the name recognition of the popular game they were able to attract thousands of investors who thought they were investing into a real and viable project.

To begin with, the fake Cryptocurrency project offered low risks through potentially generating high returns by integrating concepts like gaming and Blockchain space, both attracting the fans of Cryptocurrency as well as gamers. 

The Scam Unveiled 

The scheme was run under the guise of Flappy Bird coming back with the new version of this game as a P2E game. To the scammers, users could earn cryptocurrency when playing the game, just like other P2E games that have been developed.

They started with web pages in order to create the impression of credibility and even faked interviews on TV. The project that was involved in this was Flappy Bird and it issued tokens under the brand name and gave exclusive in-game bonuses to the token holders. 

But as soon as they attracted enough funds from the investors, they did what is usually associated with a rug pull scam. The scammers vanished into the thin air, and all the investors were left with was pump and dump tokens. The whole thing appeared to be a con in order to Dupe people out of their Money as the original Flappy Bird by Dong Nguyen had nothing to do with it. 

Emerging Issues of Crypto and Gaming 

Here is the Flappy Bird scam, not an isolated incident from the internet and marketing world. Conversely, it exposes a rising phenomenon whereby fraudsters incorporate recognizable brands, games or a particular influencer to the deceitful cryptocurrency venture.

At the moment, there is convergence between the two industries, and play-to-earn games are coming into the scene. However, with this fusion come different vice that especially affect those unauthorized players and investors. 

There is an evolution in the sophistication of the crypto scams. Hackers take advantage of the fact that the public is still not fully conversant with the general technology for cryptocurrencies. Using the cover of such brands like Flappy Bird, they make their scam real-looking and people invest their money blindly. 

Staying Safe in the Era of Crypto and Gaming 

More such scams are expected to emerge in the future and so investors and gamers should be careful. Predatory individuals take advantage of fans and supporters of successful stars and imaginative and popular ideas to defraud them.

Therefore, any person interested in making an investment should exercise caution and make some research to ensure that one does not fall trap with such scams especially if they are promising that they are linked with a popular brand or some game. 

In the case of Flappy Bird, there were evident signs of it right from the beginning, which include but not limited to the fact that the product did not have any endorsement by the original game developer or any believable source. Also, the poles of high returns and exceptional bonuses are typical tendencies used by cheaters in the crypto community.

The Flappy Bird crypto scam is still relevant in teaching people in the gaming and crypto businesses a few lessons. As the two worlds blend even more, the cyber fraudsters are likely going to invent new ways through which they can exploit the joint.