Today, Binance announced that it will list 3 meme coins in a row. There are many controversies. One is the issue of capitalization, and the other is that many new investors have never seen old coins from 3 years ago. In addition, Binance's frequent listing of meme coins will indeed affect the mentality of other build project parties. But I can list anything, because I don't have any, and I hope to list what I have next time.

1. debox $box will open at 8 o'clock tonight, and the opening price is 0.08, but now the pending order is around 0.03. I don't understand it. Those who haven't withdrawn their coins can go to withdraw their coins. The withdrawal fee was charged before, but it seems to have been cancelled now.

2. EigenLayer $eigen The second airdrop can be claimed every day. Those whose IPs are blocked can search for tutorials on Twitter. The OTC is now 3.6 and will be launched at the end of the month. The specific date has not been announced yet. Those who have pledged puffer and other coins can check the airdrop.

3. I still hold the 7007 I bought at 0.13. It is said that 7007 will meet with Vitalik in Singapore. Now the price is slowly going up. I believe I can get my money back.

4. I added some $pizza at 0.37. Can I pull up $pizza if $fb falls?

5. I will start mining $cati tomorrow. I have prepared $bnb. I heard that $cati has a lot of KOLs and quotas. If nothing unexpected happens, I don’t have them. I can only mine them myself.