DeFi Protocol BaseBros Under Fire for Alleged Rug Pull DeFi protocol BaseBros Fi has come under scrutiny after it was suspected of pulling the rug on its users. The incident reportedly involved unaudited transactions that exploited a backdoor vulnerability, allowing funds to be drained from the protocol. BaseBros has since deleted its website and official Telegram account, leaving users in the dark about the situation. The exact amount of funds lost is yet to be determined, but the allegations have sent shockwaves through the DeFi community. The issue stemmed from an unaudited transaction that allowed malicious actors to access and withdraw user funds. The vulnerability was reportedly discovered and exploited by individuals, leading to the loss of funds. The incident highlights the importance of due diligence and transparency in the DeFi space. Users are advised to thoroughly research any protocol before investing and to be vigilant against potential scams or rug pulls.