If you've been reading our articles since last month. You already have the idea on how our SYN trade worked.

If you haven't, no worries. We will explain it to you today.

We have highlighted the several selloff areas of SYN where many sellers would anticipate a pump and they'll meet the buyers with their sell orders. Our analysis for the selloffs are in this order: (1) 0.6723 with a selloff possibility of 16%, (2) 0.9140 with a selloff possibility of 39%, (3) 1.1090 with a selloff possibility of 76% and (4) 1.3361 with a selloff possibility of 96%. These selloff possible measurements doesn't only tell the probabilities' percentages for a selloff to happen. Instead, these percentages also tells how much would sellers unload from their holdings, an estimated total measurement for the overall market. Highlighting these selloff areas will provide every trade the idea of not recklessly entering a token that's highly surging. There are many ways to enter a highly surging token which includes selling but if a trader is really interested in the idea of participating in the hype. One of the best ways would be to patiently wait for the token's pressure to be calm and wait for any corrective movement as another opportunity which most would call pullback strategy. An example of this would be the recent selloffs that happened at 0.7975 where the price went down once again to the level where the impulsive upward movement happened. This has provided another opportunity for those who wanted to participate in the rally.

"What about those who have entered at the peak of SYN's selloffs?"

Here's a genuine advice. If a trader has entered at the peak of a surging token. Most likely it would take a couple of months or even year/s to wait for it to go back to the same price. There are many in the crypto market who can't wait that long and would most likely take the loss instead. That's normal. Losses are normal and thinking quickly to prevent any further losses is normal. Although, you can do better with these simple strategies.

- Patiently wait for the token to go back to the same price and close it if you think the price can't breakthrough.

- Always enter a trade with lesser leverage. In that way, you have the option to patiently wait for the price to go back to the same entry you've had or just let it be until it goes through another markup.

- Cut the loss and find another good entry point to enter. This is a risky strategy since if you have lesser funds and you're prone to doing higher leverages. It would liquidate your account.

- Doing DCA every time the price goes down for your entry to take another average price as well. You will have better options since doing averaging can prevent you from taking losses and will give you a better position in the market.

- Not entering a surging token at all and waiting for better positions. We prefer this one since this is the best strategy.

Any of the mentioned strategies will give you sense of relief but they also pose different levels of risks. Your best option would be to backtest or forwardtest these strategies to better understand on how to use them.

Stay wise, trade cautiously.