The Ugly devils smashed the price all night, and the price of Bitcoin fell below $59,000

The Bitcoin market was calm all day yesterday, until someone started to try to smash it in the early morning, and soon recovered to above $60,000. At 3 a.m., the American devils officially started to smash it, and smashed it for the whole second half of the night (this time period is our sleeping time, and the Americans are active during the day).

From the K-line, we can see that 8 consecutive hourly negative lines forced the 12-hour level of the upward trend to turn around. After 12 o'clock, it should enter a downward trend. Born! A good wave of rising trend was gone, and the next market will be difficult again.

As of now, the price of BTC is around $58,400. Today's market analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour and 4-hour levels are in a downward trend, the 12-hour level is about to enter a downward trend, and the daily level is still in an upward trend. The intraday pressure level is 60200, and the support level is 57400.

#美国8月核心CPI超预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势预测