⭐️ Airdrop benefits!! 96,000 CATI benefits, both new users and inviters can enjoy⭐️

Register with the invitation code on the APP or web page, which is more convenient: Exclusive referral code (MQ01QU2G)


During the event, new users who register and trade 50U can get 30 CATI, first come first served;

Event period: 08:00 on September 16, 2024 to 07:59 on September 19, 2024 (Eastern Time Zone 8)

Participation method:

Step 1: Binance Alliance members need to register to participate in this event through the event page;

Step 2: During the event, new users register an account and complete identity authentication through the invitation link of the Binance Alliance members participating in this event;

Step 3: During the event, new users must complete transactions, and the transaction volume must be no less than 50U (spot, leverage or contract). There is no restriction on deposit methods for this event.

#新币挖矿指南 #BNB金鏟子 #CATI