1⃣️The Web3 payment system is based on blockchain technology to ensure the transparency, security and immutability of transactions.

2⃣️The Web3 payment market has reached a valuation of US$1.2 billion and is expected to continue to grow in the future.

3⃣️PayFi is a financial market centered around the time value of money, providing multiple forms of payment.

4⃣️Ondo Finance tokenizes U.S. Treasuries to allow more people to access institutional-grade financial products.

5⃣️Karrier One combines payment and DePIN applications in telecommunications networks to provide global communication coverage.

6⃣️Huma Finance is an income-based lending agreement that allows borrowers to pledge future income.

7⃣️Sphere Pay is a payment API designed for digital currency to accelerate the development of Web3 payment system.

8⃣️Loopcrypto.xyz helps businesses arrange or automate collection and payments, and supports ERC-20 Tokens.

9⃣️Orbita is a decentralized L1 payment protocol based on Cosmos and is still under development.

The 1⃣️0⃣️ stablecoin market continues to grow, with major providers actively expanding the market, such as Tether and Circle.

1⃣️1⃣️Web3 payment is expected to become an important pillar of the digital economy, bringing new opportunities to the global financial ecosystem.

-----Current information provided by @Owlx_ai#Ctalks #NewsDigest #Crypto🚀🚀 #web3动态 #Trending