There are five signs before the bull market comes:

1. The market shows continuous positive K-lines at the bottom, and the market index breaks through the important upper barrier. This means that the market breaks through the upper pressure position and converts it into a support position. It is about to start an upward trend and create a new high.

2. A large amount of funds flow into the market, and some weighted coins are pulled up, such as BTC, ETH, BNB, and mainstream coins have risen sharply. Before the bull market comes, these weighted coins often rise first, driving the rise of the market index.

3. The currency market is a barometer of the market economy. At the same time, the market economy can also reflect the trend of the currency market to a certain extent. When the market economy begins to move from a depression to a prosperous period, it can reflect to a certain extent that the bear market of the currency market is about to end and enter a bull market.

4. The K-line chart consists of many small positive lines mixed with some lines, running in the upper right along each moving average. This is a bull performance.

5. The currency market falls out of the three bottoms of valuation, policy, and market. After three bottoming out, the subsequent rebound is large, which may bring the currency market into a bull market.

The above is the knowledge about "Which coins will rise first in the bull market? Five major signs before the bull market comes?"




