What are the imitations worth paying attention to recently?

TON: TON is a public chain project backed by Telegram. Relying on Telegram-bound applets and mini-games, it quickly became popular and has very good performance itself. Even TPS has surpassed Solana in the test. In the past few weeks, the arrest of the founder of Telegram in France caused some adverse effects on the TON ecology.

Fantom: Fantom is a public chain compatible with EVM, which mainly uses the Opera main network and establishes the architecture at the core layer to handle the consensus between nodes; the middleware layer used to perform functions such as rewards and payments; the application layer, and the API of hosting dApp. Thus, Fantom becomes a high-performance public chain. Recently, Fantom changed its name to Sonic.

Sei: Sei has recently been promoting the construction of Game Week, so that users can get SEI token rewards at the same time by vigorously promoting and promoting the Gamefi project. At the same time, the Sei Foundation and OKX Wallet jointly launched a 2.67 million SEI reward distribution activity, allowing users to directly lend USDC/USDT in the lowest risk way, obtain 11%-25% annualized return, and reward participating users with a certain number of SE. I tokens allow users to increase the participation of users on the chain.