Revealing the scams in the cryptocurrency circle: Get close to others and take you to some fake exchanges

Today, I will share the sixth common scam in the cryptocurrency circle: Get close to others by sending private messages to you and take you to some fake exchanges.

This type of exchange often uses some small currencies to generate a very large increase in a short period of time by modifying the background data, or the currency that has just been launched today has increased by 500% or 600%, thereby attracting some newbies.

In order to reassure these newbies, these scammers also like to put some photos of industry leaders on their official website to stand up for them, so that investors or newbies feel that their platform is very credible. Don't believe anyone who sends you a private message on TG, they are all scammers.

As long as someone sends you a private message, you can just greet his 18th generation of ancestors. Generally, they will ask you what coins you bought, or whether you have made money, or whether you have any opinions on the recent rise and fall of Bitcoin, and then get close to you.

Then, after a few days or 10 days or half a month, he will say that he got some information from somewhere and made millions or tens of millions. Next time, I have news and I will bring you here.

Of course, you can see that some old leeks are very easy to be fooled, but for some newbies, it is still very easy to be fooled. So you must pay attention to this.

Okay, this is all the content of this issue. If you think it is helpful to you, please support it with one click and follow me. I will continue to update the scam in the future. See you next time.