

Will You Really Get the Same Amount of Hamster Tokens in the Airdrop?

If you're expecting to receive the same number of Hamster tokens in the airdrop as displayed on your screen, similar to how the DOGS airdrop worked, you might want to reconsider. I believe the distribution will follow a specific ratio—probably something like 1 Hamster token for every 1 million or even 10 million in-game tokens. While I’m not sure about the exact figure, it seems unlikely that the airdrop will mirror the token amounts exactly as they appear.

With a total supply of 100 billion Hamster tokens, and considering that many users currently hold over 1 billion in-game tokens, it doesn’t quite add up. For example, if someone holds 1 billion in-game tokens, that would represent 1% of the entire supply—a distribution that seems highly improbable. Giving out that much to a large number of participants would flood the market, potentially destabilizing the token's value.

In comparison to how DOGS token airdrops were handled, I suspect the Hamster airdrop will be more calculated, ensuring that no one ends up with a disproportionate share of the total supply. Of course, this is just my observation, and I could be wrong, but it's worth considering that there will likely be a ratio to prevent excessive token distribution.
