Xion Testnet For New & Old Users💥


Earn up to 100XP daily [1 transaction = 1XP]

1️⃣ Access the platform👇


2️⃣ Claim your free tokens at: testnet.blazeswap.io/faucet 💧

3️⃣ Swap XION for USDC

4️⃣ Head over to the dashboard: testnet.dashboard.burnt.com

5️⃣ Log in and start exploring

6️⃣ Need a test account? Send tokens to this address: 📨 xion1u3r0r65nftjk5kd8f3dzx9jy8zme0ur9cymkezykysetylx0n2tqgaakhn

🎯 Earn XP for every transaction you make with $XION or $USDC

#BinanceSquareFamily #XION #Airdrops_free #Testnet #AirDropSeries