$PEOPLE /USDT is currently trading at $0.05858, down 1.94% in the last 24 hours. The daily high was $0.06149, and the low was $0.05804. The 24-hour trading volume is 439.85M PEOPLE (26.15M USDT).

Moving Averages:

7-day MA: $0.05873

25-day MA: $0.05945

99-day MA: $0.05921

Resistance is at $0.06167, with support near $0.05804. A move above $0.061 may signal further gains, while a drop below $0.058 could indicate a bearish trend.

#PEOPLEbearish #CPI_BTC_Watch #BinanceTurns7 #USNonFarmPayrollReport