Sam Bankman-Fried has appealed against the trial that sentenced him to 25 years in jail.  The former FTX chief has expressed discontentment with the trial, and his lawyers have filed an appeal to contest the case. 

His lawyers have filed the appeal in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal. This gives Bankman an opportunity to have a new trail. His lawyers said his rush to conviction resulted in the breach of his right to a fair trial. In a social media post, BitTap confirmed the filing of the appeal. 

#FTX founder #SamBankmanFried appeals fraud conviction • Lawyers argue in Second Circuit Court that Judge Kaplan was biased and unfair • Claims include blocking defense arguments and withholding favorable evidence (Brady material) • Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25…

— BitTap (@BitTapGlobal) September 14, 2024

Claims of Judicial Bias

Bankman-Fried’s lawyers are claiming that Judge Lewis Kaplan favored the prosecution all along and that these actions and behavior in front of the jury influenced how the latter went about making decisions on the case and pressed for a hurried verdict.

The appeal contends that Judge Kaplan mocked Bankman-Fried and his defense team during the trial. Sam’s lawyers have argued that the judge prejudiced the atmosphere. 

Bankman’s defense attorneys also said Kaplan was rushing the jury, with various inducements such as food and transport, to reach a verdict. Such proceedings could have reduced the former FTX chief’s chances of giving sufficient answers. 

Media and public pressure due to the collapse of FTX could also have contributed to a “biased” conviction. 

Bankman Asks for a New Judge

Due to the “unfairness” in the previous trial, Bankman has asked to change the judge for his case. His defense attorneys have further expressed that the trial by Judge Lewis Kaplan was one-sided

Many defendants appeal their convictions by citing perceived errors in the trial process. In Bankman-Fried’s case, his lawyers zero in on what they portray as personal animus on Kaplan’s part that colored the fairness of the entire trial. The appeal identifies those points where, according to the plaintiff, the judge set aside or weakened the defense’s arguments while favoring the state’s case.

Bankman-Fried’s lawyers loudly attacked Kaplan in the appeal, saying he improperly embraced the prosecution’s case and then ridiculed the defendant’s testimony before the jury.

The Collapse of FTX and Bankman’s Conviction

Sam Bankman was found guilty of seven fraud and money laundering cases he was accused of. However, he has remained convinced that the collapse of FTX was due to market conditions and not fraud. 

His lawyers now argue he didn’t get a fair hearing in court, alleging that the judge’s bias was one of the most vital issues that determined the case’s outcome.

Impact of the Collapse of FTX on Its Executives

Other FTX executives have also been involved in cases regarding the collapse of FTX. One of the executives is Sam’s ex-girlfriend, Caroline Ellison, who has played a key part in Bankman’s trial. Caroline testified against Sam, leading to his sentencing. 

In her case, her defense team is hoping for leniency, though the sentencing expected later this month should reveal that. They asked the judge not to send her to prison because she cooperated with the government. With her centrality to the trial and very close relationship to Bankman-Fried, Ellison doubtless will be under the limelight at her sentence hearing.The crypto community and investors who have been burning up following the collapse of FTX are very eager to know how things are turning out. The appeal will critically determine whether Bankman-Fried is to get a new trial or will keep serving his 25-year imprisonment.

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