


indeed after Btc broke out of 50Ema on the 4hr timeframe we saw an upward movement to the 605k zone.

what next?

remember from my previous post I painted out 2 scenarios and of courseone played outvwhich is the breakout .it is no more new that a trader should have a plan contingency that is what willhappen of this does not happen .

now since the break out we have seen btc trading above 60k but let's not be excited about this move if I speak about securing part of ur profit if u are in the long trade.

now what doI expect I wil lobe to TP at 61200 if market permit but then the Markt is always prone to taking back from us which means we have to be smart in taking profits I am also watching the 61200 and the 54k zone again

for the 612k zone I close all my trade for the 54k zone I try to enter long again.

for RSR I am still 70 percent sure that price wil still come down to the 0.0041 region remember I talk about this in one of my post so for this my buy limit will be here waiting for wen the market Mkers will send it there for it to be triggered

don't forget Historically September is Blood Bath for cryptocurrencies and we know history always repeat herself.

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