#行情更新 BTC current price 60491

The direction of each cycle 🧭 and the dividing line between long and short positions

1W direction bulls weakened 44868.271430

1D direction bears weakened 60885.493590

4H direction bulls strengthened 57872.972077

1H direction bulls strengthened 57777.255172

15m direction bulls weakened 59155.474165

It can be seen that the long-term bears weakened, and the short-term bulls were normal. The 4-hour is at the key position of 60461, and the upward pressure is 60880. The possibility of intraday fluctuations is relatively high.


This wave of bulls is a 4H market, starting at 2024.9.12 16:00 (UTC+8), and the starting range is 57700 57300.

The current market rebounded to close to the 1D long-short dividing line as expected.

At this time, according to the trading plan, it is also a profit-taking, and the market will continue to track the future.

From the perspective of the futures market, the $BTC contract position has reached the previous high position, and you should pay attention to the high risk of ⚠️ high position, and do not blindly chase high.

From the perspective of liquidity liquidation, the current 60600 59500 interval is not large. The accumulated chips below 57400 are relatively large.

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