August fell at the beginning of the month, and rose sharply in the middle of the month

August fell at the beginning of the month, and rose sharply in the middle of the month

Two economic recession speculations failed, and the market fluctuated

The coin price is back, and retail positions are gone

The iron fan's long order of 58,500 was sold at 54,000

The short order of 59,000 was trapped again, and the mentality is about to collapse

This year's coin circle is too weird and different from the past😅

Pulling before the interest rate cut, the interest rate cut may not fall too much after it is implemented, and it will fall back to 3,000-4,000 dollars. Bitcoin has been falling for 6 months

October seems to be a big rise, except for a small drop after the interest rate cut

After the unemployment rate of 10.5, there is no reason to fall during the news window