There are two topics that have been discussed a lot recently:

One is to delay the retirement age; the other is to increase the number of years of social security payment.

I don’t know what you think, anyway, I didn’t feel anything after reading it.

Many people complain that they retire too late, but the truth is that when you retire is decided by you, not by the law. I retired at the age of 26, and I still live a normal life. No one will do anything to me.

As for social security, I only bought it in the first few years after graduation. At that time, I was still working and the company helped me buy it. At the same time, in order to obtain the qualification to buy a house in Shenzhen, I stopped the social security after buying a house. After all, I didn’t have much money, and I wouldn’t need it if I wanted to immigrate in the future.

Even in China, social security is not necessary. To put it bluntly, social security is a Ponzi scheme. The people behind pay money for the people in front to spend, but as the birth rate gradually decreases, social security is likely to collapse.

I say this not to show off, but to tell everyone: you have better choices, instead of passively listening to others’ arrangements. If you want to live a good life, you must take the initiative in your life into your own hands.