AI innovation is being blocked by centralized control.

The global AI market is worth $433 billion.

$GPT Protocol offers decentralized, censorship-resistant AI solutions.

➭ Exploring the Future of GPT Protocol :

• Revolutionizing AI and Blockchain - GPT Protocol aims to reshape the AI landscape by combining blockchain and censorship-resistant intelligence. Their pitch deck offers insight into this ambitious transformation.

• The Value of Bitcoin - Bitcoin’s key strength lies in its censorship resistance—this quality is what makes it valuable and useful.

➭ The Problem: AI's Censorship Crisis :

• Centralized entities are restricting AI's transformative potential.

• This censorship is stifling innovation and blocking AI’s ability to become more democratized.

➭ The Solution: Decentralized AI Network :

• GPT Protocol envisions a decentralized AI network, similar to the World Wide Web.

• This network would ensure open access to information, governed by ethical practices and resistant to censorship through cryptocurrency.

➭ The Reality of Today's AI: Censored :

• AI, like ChatGPT, is currently restricted by centralized control.

• GPT Protocol is committed to building a trusted, creative, and free AI internet.

➭ Web3 vs. Web4: A New Era :

• Web4, known as the “Internet of AI,” is the next evolution of the internet.

• It leverages blockchain, AI, and P2P networks to give users greater control over data sharing and access.

➭ Market Opportunity :

- TAM: $433 billion (Global AI Market in 2022)

- SAM: $247.7 billion (AI Software Revenue in 2020)

- SOM: $185 billion (AI Hardware in 2020)

• AI is projected to grow at an annual rate of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030.

• McKinsey predicts AI could add $13 trillion to the global GDP by 2030.

➭ GPT Protocol's Unique Edge :

• A layer 2 blockchain designed to scale with the infrastructure demands of decentralized AI computing.

• GPT Protocol was the first in the world to publish AI Prompts and Responses on the blockchain.

#blockchaininnovation #DecentralizedAI