Author: Mia, ChainCatcher


With the rapid development of Web3 and blockchain technology, the global demand for computing power is showing a sharp growth trend. According to market data from Statista and MarketsandMarkets, the global demand for AI computing power is expected to reach a staggering $383.3 billion in 2025, and the blockchain market is expected to reach $39.2 billion in the same year. This unprecedented growth trend provides a broad space for the development of emerging technologies such as Node-X, but it also exposes several pain points that need to be solved:

The high threshold of node deployment and operation and maintenance has become a stumbling block that prevents most users from participating in the blockchain ecosystem. Due to the technical complexity and high operation and maintenance costs, many users are discouraged. According to data from Electric Capital, the cost of professional node operation and maintenance may be as high as $1,000 per year, which is undoubtedly a considerable expense for ordinary users.

The problem of idle computing power waste is becoming increasingly prominent. According to research by the Uptime Institute, about 30%-40% of the world's server computing resources are not fully utilized, which leads to a large amount of resource waste. At the same time, developers of Web3 projects are in urgent need of more flexible and efficient computing resources to support their innovative applications.

The monopoly of the centralized computing power market is also a major challenge currently faced. According to Canalys data, cloud service providers such as AWS and Google Cloud control more than 70% of the market share. This highly centralized market structure is not only contrary to the core concept of blockchain decentralization, but may also have an adverse impact on the long-term development of the blockchain ecosystem.

Today we had the honor of interviewing Ken Zhou, the founder of Node-X, and discussed in depth how Node-X provides efficient node management and computing power optimization services for Web3 and blockchain through its one-click node deployment, AI-driven Hub system, and the upcoming C2C computing power trading market, aiming to achieve equal computing power and lower the threshold for participation. During the interview, Ken also introduced in detail the three core functions of Node-X and its specific help to users, and shared his insights on the changes in future computing power demand and how Node-X will seize this opportunity.

In addition, Ken Zhou also revealed the future development direction and long-term plan of Node-X, including focusing on the development of C2C computing power market, supporting more blockchain networks and projects, and expanding multi-chain node management functions. He emphasized that the goal of Node-X is to become an important infrastructure in the Web3 ecosystem and promote the popularization of decentralized computing power transactions. Finally, Ken expressed his expectations for the changes that Node-X can bring to the blockchain ecosystem, that is, to break the computing power monopoly, achieve true computing power equality, and inject new vitality into the development of blockchain, Web3, AI and other fields.

The following is the full interview:

Mia: Hi Ken, Node-X has developed rapidly recently. Could you please briefly outline the positioning of Node-X and its long-term vision?

Ken Zhou: Hello, Mia! Node-X is committed to providing efficient node deployment, management and computing power optimization services for Web3 and blockchain. We use AI technology to optimize computing power and create a decentralized C2C computing power trading market to promote the sharing and leasing of computing power and promote the realization of equal computing power. Our long-term vision is to make blockchain networks and Web3 applications more open and decentralized, while lowering the threshold for user participation.

Mia: So, what are the core functions of Node-X currently, and how do these functions help users?

Ken Zhou: We currently have three core functions: one-click node deployment, AI-driven Hub system, and the upcoming C2C computing power trading market. The one-click deployment function allows users to quickly deploy nodes without complex technical operations. The Hub system uses AI technology to monitor and schedule the computing power resources behind the nodes in real time, helping users manage resources more efficiently. The C2C computing power market is our key development direction in the future, where users can share and trade idle computing power resources to obtain additional benefits.

Mia: The C2C computing market sounds promising. How will the demand for computing power change in the future? How will Node-X seize this opportunity?

Ken Zhou: The demand for computing power will increase significantly in the future, especially in the fields of AI, DeFi, Web3, etc. Node-X's C2C computing power market will connect the supply and demand sides of computing power and build a decentralized computing power trading ecosystem. Users can publish idle computing power resources on the market for others to rent, which not only solves the problem of insufficient computing power resources, but also brings benefits to the providers. This is a win-win model.

Mia: What role does the Hub system play in Node-X? It seems to be your core engine.

Ken Zhou: Yes, the Hub system is the core technology of our platform. It uses AI to monitor all connected server resources such as GPU, CPU and storage in real time, and dynamically adjust the computing power allocation according to demand. We also plan to integrate computing power optimization functions into the Hub system to ensure that computing resources are used most efficiently. In this way, users can not only easily deploy nodes, but also easily manage and share resources through the Hub system.

Mia: While users share computing power on the platform, can they also make profits through the C2C market? What are the advantages of this model compared to traditional cloud computing?

Ken Zhou: Yes, users can not only manage their own nodes, but also earn extra income by sharing unused computing resources. Compared with traditional centralized cloud computing platforms, Node-X's C2C market is decentralized, and users can flexibly set prices and choose leasing objects according to their needs. At the same time, our AI optimization scheduling ensures efficient resource use and reduces resource waste.

Mia: You mentioned that users can “set prices flexibly”, so how does the C2C market work? Does it require a lot of manual work?

Ken Zhou: No manual operation is required. After deploying the node, users can choose whether to release idle computing resources to the market. We intelligently match computing power supply and demand through the Hub system, and automatically complete leasing and transactions through smart contracts. Users can choose to rent at a fixed price, or publish a task reward and let computing power providers bid for orders. The entire process is decentralized and automated, which greatly reduces the user's operational burden.

Mia: The current blockchain industry is highly competitive. What are the unique advantages of Node-X compared to other platforms?

Ken Zhou: Our advantages are mainly reflected in three aspects: AI-driven intelligent computing power tuning, the simplicity of one-click deployment, and the decentralized nature of the C2C computing power market. Through AI optimization, we can improve the utilization efficiency of nodes and computing power, helping users to participate in blockchain projects at a lower cost. Through these technological innovations, we hope to provide more flexible and scalable solutions, in sharp contrast to traditional cloud computing platforms.

Mia: I am curious about the future development direction of Node-X. What are your long-term plans?

Ken Zhou: In the future, we will focus on developing the C2C computing power market and support more blockchain networks and projects. We also plan to expand the multi-chain node management function and increase support for more Web3 and DeFi projects. As the demand for computing power continues to grow, our goal is to become an important infrastructure in the Web3 ecosystem and promote the popularization of decentralized computing power transactions.

Mia: Last question, as the founder of Node-X, what kind of changes do you most hope Node-X can bring to the blockchain ecosystem?

Ken Zhou: I hope Node-X can break the computing power monopoly and achieve true computing power equality. Through the decentralized computing power market, we make it easy for everyone to obtain computing power resources, no longer restricted by large companies or institutions. This will promote the development of blockchain, Web3, AI and other fields, and provide more opportunities for ordinary users to participate.

Mia: Thank you Ken for sharing, looking forward to the future development of Node-X!

Ken Zhou: Thank you Mia! We also look forward to continuing to promote the decentralized computing market, which will surely bring more innovations in the future.