7 tips for trading cryptocurrencies,

1. Any logic should form a closed loop. If you enter the market based on technical indicators, then when the technical chart goes bad, you must leave the market decisively, and don't look for reasons from fundamentals and market sentiment. If you enter the market based on fundamental logic, then as long as the logic is still there, other technical analysis will not affect your operations. Don't confuse them, and don't pay for mistakes to prove your logic.

2. Be cautious when buying at the bottom. There are many people who buy at the bottom halfway up the mountain. Of course, if you have enough funds to spread the cost, if not, please correct it. Many people have a misunderstanding about buying at the bottom, that is, they think it has reached the bottom in the middle of the decline. The truly valuable bottom-fishing is to make a callback to the upward trend, not to take over the market under the plummeting trend.

3. Don't enter when there is good news at a high position! Most of the good news is to attract retail investors to follow suit, because the main force of the news has known it in advance. If there are not many followers, they may pull a wave and lure more. If there are too many followers, the main force will directly ship and cause a big drop!

4. Position management is very important. My trading principle is 30% short-term and 30% long-term. The position is used for wave rolling operation, so that it can be used for attack and defense. It is not that there is no position to spread the cost when the market environment is not good. This is also a great opportunity. Unformed transactions are just random fights. After a few rounds, who has real skills and who is just dancing can be seen clearly.

5. Establish your own trading principles and implement them firmly. Intraday fluctuations are the easiest to affect emotions, so we need to overcome these unnecessary emotions. Before the market, there is a plan for your own positions. There is a frame for what situation to leave the market and what price is suitable for entering the market. There is only one thing to do during the market, which is to execute the previous plan.

6. Control positions. The biggest difference between novice and mature investors is position control. Because there is uncertainty, often walking by the water, how can you not get your shoes wet? There are always times when you make mistakes. If the position is properly controlled, you can be targeted and not passive.

7. Make your own trading plan in advance and strictly execute it during the trading session. Don’t let the market disrupt your operation plan. Combine it with the overall environment. If the conditions are met, participate. If they are not met, don’t violate your plan. It is better to miss it than to make a mistake.