**News Flash: EU Consumer Groups Target In-Game Currencies**

A coalition of European consumer protection organizations, led by the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), has lodged a complaint with the European Commission regarding the use and marketing of in-game digital currencies by video game companies.

- **Complaint Details**: Filed on Sept. 12, the complaint urges stronger enforcement against practices that maximize consumer spending through in-game currencies, particularly in free-to-play games popular with children.

- **Consumer Concerns**: The watchdogs argue that these currencies, often displayed without clear real-money conversions, can be confusing and potentially misleading, possibly violating EU consumer protection laws.

- **Economic Impact**: The report highlights significant revenues generated from in-game purchases, citing examples like Fortnite, which reportedly earns up to $2 million daily from such transactions.

- **Call for Action**: The organizations demand clearer guidelines and stronger regulatory enforcement to protect consumers in the gaming industry.

Stay tuned for updates as the European Commission reviews the complaint.