Now it has stabilized at 58,000, how will the market go next?

This market may be the location where the upward channel opens.

Of course, the market may continue to squat, but the squat point is unlikely to fall below 55,000.

The CPI data is positive, and the PPI last night will not have much impact on the market regardless of whether it is long or short.

In a few days, the FOMC meeting will be held. Whether it will be a 25 basis point or 50 basis point interest rate cut will usher in the final answer.

There are many voices in the market now. Some people think that the rate will fall after the rate cut, and some people think that the rate will rise after the rate cut. Both make sense.

But one thing can be confirmed, in the long run, the market after the rate cut must be upward.

If you are a short-term arbitrageur, I can't give you any advice, but I am a long-term investor. Whether it is a decline before the rate cut or a decline after the rate cut, it is an opportunity for us to enter the market.

To use a sentence from the national football team, there is not much time left for the Chinese team.

Similarly, there is not much time left for investors in the currency circle to buy at the bottom.

It is almost certain that 55,000 is the bottom range, and the upward channel is likely to open in October.

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