During the midnight, the big cake market was blocked from rising, and it rose to the highest level near 58400 and fell under pressure. But there was not much room for recovery. The market of the concubine began to increase in volume, and it repeatedly rose to the highest level during the midnight, rising to around 2370. The trend of the market is exactly the same as the idea of ​​first long and then short that we gave yesterday. The regular points are also completely consistent with what we gave. Such a market must be very simple for everyone to take the effort. After all, seeing the execution is making money.

From the current 4-hour line of the market, although the price continues to run around the middle and upper track, the bulls are slightly biased towards the advantage in terms of the trend. However, the high point has never been broken. Yesterday, it was broken to 58500 and then retreated immediately, which shows that the resistance of the upper pressure level is too strong. Combined with the fruitless rise in the evening, the bulls in such a market appear to be slightly weak, and the bears are not particularly strong. Due to Friday, the volume will still be mainly in the evening, and the white market will still be handled with a shock idea. In terms of operation, we still focus on shorting at high levels and enter the market around the pressure level.

Big cake can be shorted at 58200-58500, with the target around 57500. Auntie can be shorted at 2360-2380, with the target around 2320. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 $BTC $ETH