Those who say#ARPAis not working... They were saying the same things about#MATICand#HOTin 2020.
#MATICmade 300x and#HOTmade 150x in 4 months in the BULL cycle. Let's be patient, the same situation is happening in many coins right now.
The reason I keep#ARPAis that it has a giant like#Binancebehind it and is partnering with big companies like #Lenovo, #Intel, #Baidu.
The#ARPAteam is building its own ecosystem. Don't forget what #MATIC,#NEARand#FTMdid in the previous cycle, which established their own ecosystem.
You sell it because it's not working, then it makes 50x and then you look back.
The coins you say are not working are making ATH after ATH during the 4-month big rise period.
I will keep#ARPAuntil $0.25, but I expect it to see $1.00 - $1.50.